Its Not Just the Snakes You Have to Worry About!

Before I get into this post, a few people have been asking if I get their comments?  And do I reply? The answer is yes to both questions. The tricky thing is that the comments are not shown on the post thread. But, if you click on the title of any post, this will take you to that specific post, scroll down to the bottom of the page and all the comments are there.

I hope this helps, and thank you. I really do appreciate all of your comments. 😊

As mentioned previously, we are now well aware that the snakes are up and about, just like us they’re enjoying the warmer weather, so we wear jeans and covered in shoes, and we take care to watch where we walk. But it’s not just the snakes you have to worry about.

A couple of days ago I needed to have a tinkle, as I often do, and through the day I tend to do this outside.  Off I went to the little girl’s room (the area off to the right of the caravan) scanning the ground very carefully as I went. I found a spot, eyes still glued to the ground, dropped my dacks and did the deed. While I was doing the deed I heard, Thump! Thump! I figured it was one of the campers further up the lake, the sound sometimes carries on a calm day. Then again, thump, thump. I still didn’t think anything of it but casually did my paperwork and disposed of that in a doggy bag. As I tied a knot in the doggy bag I heard the thump, thump again and looked over to my right. Well, let me tell you, my tinkle was done but I nearly pooped my pants. Old man Emu and his six chicks were all standing staring at me, no more than eight meters away. While he stomped another warning on the ground, I backed off slowly, and very inelegantly with my trousers still around my knees, then made a bee line back to Chunky Bum.

Now I know I’ve told you I take my camera almost everywhere; well the little girl’s room is not one of the places I take it. So, by the time I got back to the van and told Peter what had happened and grabbed my camera, the emus had moved to the road and wandered off. They were back the next day though, walking along beside the lake so I got a couple of better shots then.

This brings me to our illusive Goannas. We’ve seen plenty of tracks around camp and on the beach. We even tracked one big fellow under the caravan, but we had never seen them. That is until yesterday. The little fellow made a quick exit into the bushes and was not seen again, but the big dude, well he was interested in the Fairy-Wrens’ so I was able to stalk him for quite some time, and I have to say, what an impressive creature.

See you out there somewhere

On tow and on the go!

8 Comments on “Its Not Just the Snakes You Have to Worry About!”

    • I agree, I believe they are Painted Dragons, there are heaps around here, and many different colours. Mind you, they are harder to see than the Goannas.

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