We Finally Made It! When we left Port Broughton, we found ourselves on roads we had previously travelled. Once more driving the Outback Hwy north from Port Augusta with the great Flinders Ranges on either side of us. We stopped that night well off the main road, with an old ruin to the East …

We made it back to Port Augusta in time for our car service, but we actually stayed 25 kilometres southeast of Port Augusta at the Spear Creek caravan park. This is situated within a 21,000 acre working sheep farm in Woolundunga and is a lovely spot to stay. Unfortunately, there were severe wind warnings …

Brachina Gorge We left Wilpena Pound and started our way back towards Port Augusta (we had the Ranger booked in for a service). We only drove for about ten minutes when we had to stop and climb a hill. The landscape surrounding the Pound is as different as it is beautiful. It didn’t take …

Wilpena Pound is one of the locations on Peter’s wish list. I’d never even heard of it, but before we had even arrived, we were in awe of the scenery we passed. Low rolling hills bordered with high rocky escarpments. Just beautiful. Still within the Flinders Ranges National Park, Wilpena Pound (Ikara) is an …

Flinders Rangers I’ll start this post with an emotional, “You have got to be kidding me!” And this is why: Peter has come down with a case of the flu, and I, with my stupid one-up-manship, just had to catch Covid. Now for those of you out there who would say, “Maybe this is …

Can you believe it?  I’m not sure I can, but we are in South Australia. Nine months overdue and a little worse for wear, but we made it. It really was quite exciting crossing the boarder from NSW to SA. I mean the roads didn’t look that much different, but they did feel different. …

Are you ready to find out how we ended up in Bourke, NSW? Well, this is how it went down. If you recall, I had taken over the driving at Eulo and we had just turned onto the first of a long stretch of dirt roads, heading for Hungerford. After driving a couple of …

After what seems like an eternity (well, November 2021 is a long time ago) of hanging around, doctors’ visits, tests, hospitals etc, we are finally free to travel. We left Darlington Park as planned; well almost. Peter had to say goodbye to everyone we’d met, then a couple of likely lads came around to …

Although we are no longer in Capalaba, we aren’t that far away. I had to have another series of tests and need to be back in Brissy this Friday for the results, but we thought bugger it! We’re going somewhere more interesting. About an hour and a half drive from Capalaba is a great …

I know it has been a while since my last post, and I am sure you are wondering where we have been, what we have been doing, and where we are now? The answers to these questions are; not very far, not very much and pretty close to home. We are currently in the …

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