When we arrived back at Tibooburra, we went straight to the Police Station to collect Chunky Bum. It was then that we were told of a possible Covid-19 exposure in town. Not a lot we could do about that, so we stuck to our plan and drove two kilometres out of town to the …

On our way back from Cameron Corner, we stayed at Fort Grey Campground in the Sturt National Park. Because we had left Chunky Bum (caravan) in Tibooburra, we had our first “camp out” with Big Ears (Ford Ranger) on this trip. Now, Big Ears is fully set up for off grid camping, including water, …

You really can’t come this far north-west NSW and not go to Cameron Corner. Sure, there’s nothing there but a survey marker, but where else can you stand on the corner of three states?  Apparently not at Cameron Corner, because you can’t cross any borders. Not unless you are lawless folk like us. We …

I don’t know what Tibooburra was like pre-covid, but it is a sleepy little town right now. We arrived on a Thursday and were the only travellers in town, so we had our choice of spaces in the Granite Boulder caravan park. We wandered around the town, visited the Information centre but it was …

I know it’s only 442 kilometres from Menindee to Tibooburra, but as you know, we like to take our time. After all, what’s the point in travelling around Australia if all you see is a blur from your car window. So, on our first day of freedom, we went into Broken Hill, filled up …

After nine weeks of lakeside living, we are back on the black and making tracks! I have to say, it was a little sad to be leaving home, er, I mean leaving Lake Pamamaroo, but…we are very excited to be continuing our Australian Walkabout in Big Ears and Chunky Bum. Here’s Peter working hard …

Before I get into this post, a few people have been asking if I get their comments?  And do I reply? The answer is yes to both questions. The tricky thing is that the comments are not shown on the post thread. But, if you click on the title of any post, this will …

As mentioned in my last post, Macro Photography is my passion. The bees have been more active lately and they always make for good, if challenging, macro subjects. They are tiny, 10 – 12 mm, infuriatingly fast, and most shots seem to be of their bums. A couple of weeks ago, while shooting the …

Sunsets Galore When we first arrived here, we were greeted with a beautiful sunset, and I guess I expected that the next sunset, and the ones after that, would be much the same, barring a cloud or two. How wrong could I have been? I had this great idea to take a series of …

They did let us back into The Hill (that’s what us locals call Broken Hill) for my Pfizer jab, and back out again (re previous post). We even braved the supermarket again to pick up a couple of things, and there was hardly a soul in sight; it was the complete opposite from our …

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