Ok, so where to begin? Not to dwell on the bad stuff, but to keep you all in the know, Peter is doing superbly. Over the past few weeks, we have been getting back into the swing of things. Long walks, lots of exercise, lots of relaxing, and I’ve been brushing the dust off …

I started this piece with the title ‘The Serene Ostrich’. I figure it could be an interesting study. Does the ostrich lack courage to face the world? Is he just laid-back, experiencing serenity? Is he just plain stupid? Or maybe he does simply have his head in the sand. I had heard the stories …

As we approach the middle of March, Peter and I should be in the process of making sure that Chunky bum and big ears are well stocked and ready to hit the black. Unfortunately we have hit a “little bump” in the road, (I’ll let Peter fill you in on that in the next …

Let me start by saying; I hope each and every one of you had a wonderful Christmas and that you were able to see in the New Year the way you wanted to. Peter and I had a lovely Christmas with family, and mum hosted a New Year’s Eve party. I think it’s safe …

We had a couple of weeks to kill before we had to be in Port Macquarie on 1st December. This gave us enough time to do a couple of national parks in the area, but the rain, it seemed, had other ideas. To avoid the worst of the immediate rain, we stopped at a …

One of the couples we have bumped into a few times had recommended we visit Lake Cargelligo. Because our plans, such as they are, had been thrown to the wind, we decided to give it a go. As we drove down the main street of Cargelligo, it took us a few moments to realise …

We spend a lot of time looking for national parks and reserves, hoping to see sensational scenery and spot a bit of wildlife. The truth is, you can often find all the above while driving and at overnight roadside stops. All you have to do is look. We were driving the Barrier Hwy and …

We spent another three nights at the Racecourse in Broken Hill, I know I said we wanted to leave, but hey…it was nice and relaxing. Peter repaired the damage to the water tank, washed the dirt off Chunky Bum and Big Ears, and we re-assessed our travel plans. There was still a lot of …

We drove out of the Racecourse Caravan Park on Friday Morning, pleased to be travelling legally once more, and pleased to be leaving Broken Hill. We had a really nice time here, it is very comfortable at the Racecourse, we even got to see some practice runs, but we have just spent too much …

So, here we are, back in Broken Hill. Why? I hear you ask. Well, as I mentioned I let the registration lapse on Chunky Bum and Broken Hill is the closest place we can re-register. Should be easy. After a few phone calls Peter managed to find a garage that could provide us with …

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