Part Five – Overview So, as of my last blog, we have been everywhere we wanted to go, seen everything we wanted to see and now have time up our sleeves to go back to the places we enjoyed most. However, I’m sure you won’t want to hear about the same things again, so …

Part Four – Stokes Bay & Chapman River Australia’s most beautiful beach? Well, it is quite lovely, and very unique. The bay is divided by a headland; one side the beach is more rocky than it is sandy, the other is mostly soft white sand, but the only way from one side to the …

Part Three – Western KI My last post was longer than normal, so to balance, this’ll be a short one. We stayed at the Western KI Caravan Park for three nights, there are kangaroos, birds, koalas, and a lovely lagoon there. Overall there was a really nice feel to the place. But, more importantly, …

Part Two – Vivonne Bay & Surrounds Vivonne Bay is on the south coast. It’s roughly the halfway mark east to west on the island and is a very pretty spot. The Harriet River flows from the north, its only about 5klms long and stops just short of the coast and occasionally, when the …

Part One – Getting There We’ve been wanting to visit Kangaroo Island, or KI as the locals call it, for some time now, so we finally bit the bullet and booked a trip on the KI ferry. For those of you who don’t know, Kangaroo Island is off the south coast of Australia, about …

Short but sweet Firstly, I must apologise for my poor geography, and my even poorer editor, (we all know who you are Peter). In my last post, I may not have been clear about which state (SA or Vic) Cobboboonee was in. I indicated SA, but it is in fact in Victoria. Peter apologises …

After leaving Kingston we drove for about an hour twenty before pulling up at Tantanoola. Famous for (debatable) the Tantanoola Tiger. It was a good free camp, nothing there except a crab apple tree, full of fruit. And what do we do with a crab apple tree full of fruit? We harvest it of …

…sort of Is it good to be back on the move again? Yes, and no. I think we have been stationery for too long, and it will take us a breath to get back into the swing of being road dwellers once more. In short, it’s good to be moving again. However, we don’t …

May this year be better for everyone I think it’s fair to say we haven’t done much exploring since my last post, though we have seen quite a lot of Adelaide city and its inner suburbs; enough to say, we really love Adelaide. It’s big enough to have everything you could need, but not …

Three Medical Crises I wasn’t sure if I would write about this, but my blog is all about ‘life‘ on the road. And while most of our experiences have been of the fun, adventurous kind, we have also had some that have not been so. This is one of those. I’m not a drama …

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