Bird Alert! – Gundabooka National Park

Ok, I mentioned the birds here at Gundabooka a couple of times, but apart from the Emus, I haven’t shown you any. Well, I spent many, many hours stalking these tiny, little, flighty, annoyingly fast birds who would appear in a flash, only to disappear as soon as I lifted my camera to my eye. But I eventually wore them out (I got lucky more to the point) and I was able to get some decent shots. I also saw a few birds here that I had never seen before so that was a bonus.

I’ve numbered the images 1 – 44 and have ID’d those that I could. There are multiple images of the birds, they’re just so cute I couldn’t pick one of each, and I think I have the correct females after the males. Feel free to correct me if I got any identifications wrong, and to ID the birds I couldn’t.

So, for all of you bird lovers out there, make yourselves a cuppa, sit back and enjoy my slideshow of the Birds of Gundabooka (minus the Emus).

See you out there somewhere

On tow and on the go!

11 Comments on “Bird Alert! – Gundabooka National Park”

  1. Love every single one of your magnificent photos. Thank you for posting. I had no idea that there was so many different species of Bower Birds.
    Travel safe

    • They ae a lovely looking bird aren’t they. I’ve only seen the Spotted Bower, so it’s on my list to look for the others. When I get them I’ll let you know.

  2. Some really nice shots there Jo.
    Number 28 might be a Jacky Winter (Microeca leucophaea) my book only shows a juvenile the
    markings are similar but not as pronounced.

    • Thanks Les.
      I thought it looked like a Jacky Winter, but wasn’t sure. Two great minds thinking alike…we must be right.

  3. Oh, they are so pretty. I’m embarrassed to say how many photos I have of him. I might have to delete a couple. 😉

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