Back O’ Bourke

What can I say about Bourke? Hmm, not a lot actually. We stayed in Bourke for seven days, out of necessity really; admin, cleaning, washing that sort of thing, but overall we found Bourke to be uninspiring. Don’t get me wrong the people were friendly, we were in a nice park, but we found that there really is not a lot to do or see there.

We spent quite a few hours in the Back O’ Bourke visitor and Exhibition Center, which was very well done and well worth a look-see. We also enjoyed a brief, one-hour paddle steamer boat trip on the Darling River. But other than that, the only thing of interest to us was Mount Oxley.

Mount Oxley sits on private property, so you must get permission from the owners and pay for access, which is easily done from the visitor information centre. Once you have permission you can drive up to the top of Mount Oxley and enjoy the view.

We thoroughly enjoyed our time up there, the owners provide a large undercover BBQ area complete with, water, gas, utensils in fact everything you need to feed yourself. We took advantage of that and made ourselves a yummy lamb burger, accompanied by a couple of cold beers, then after roaming the top of Mount Oxley we settled down to enjoy the sunset.

In short, our time in Bourke was well used but I would have to say it is a good place to visit but not a destination in itself.

See you out there somewhere

On tow and on the go!

2 Comments on “Back O’ Bourke”

  1. I have stayed in Bourke a couple of times on birding trips. We were in North Bourke, I think, over the river. There was an old bridge near a newer version which we could walk out on to see if there were any water birds about.

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