Back in the Swing of Things

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Is it good to be back on the move again? Yes, and no. I think we have been stationery for too long, and it will take us a breath to get back into the swing of being road dwellers once more.

In short, it’s good to be moving again. However, we don’t seem to be getting very far.

Four and a half hours driving in eleven days. Well…we are out here to see the country. 🙂

We said farewell to mum on the 10th of Jan, hitched our wagon and hit the road on the 11th.  We drove for two hours five minutes, then came to an abrupt stop when we ran out of road. We had stopped at the narrow neck, pretty much where Lake Alexandrina and Lake Albert meet. As it happened, there was a ferry there waiting for us and five minutes later, without time for thought, we had made our first ferry crossing. A short one minute drive from the ferry, is the Narrung Ferry Landing campground. We drove in and thought…this’ll do.

There were a lot of people coming and going; cars, trailers, caravans, and motorhomes, but there was a ton space, we stayed there for five nights and took the time to relax. The campground is on the banks of Lake Alexandrina and we were able to explore this huge lake with our kayaks. We even did a spot of fishing, and guess what? We actually caught a meal. six fish in total, but four went back home.

While on dry land, we had an interesting visitor. This little critter hung around for hours, long enough for him and Hugo to become well acquainted. If anyone know what he is, I’d love you to tell me. And before anyone says it, he’s not a rat, not that there’s anything wrong with that. He looks as though he has been through the wars. He’s blind in one eye, and his little ears look damaged, possibly fire damage? The good news is, is that he seems to be coping very well and he is super cute and super friendly.

From Lake Alexandrina, we followed the coastline through the Coorong National Park, and just to prove some things never change, we followed a “4 wheel drive only” track, to a “tents/trailers only” camp ground, where Peter managed to find a lovely spot for us to squeeze in. The trip from Narrung Ferry to our camp took a harrowing 1.5 hours.

The next leg of our journey was, I think, a record breaker for us. Fifty minutes. That’s right folks. A fifty minute drive to our next destination, The Granite’s. This is basically a large bitumen car park. Not the prettiest of camps, but let me strongly recommend it. From the car park, it is a short walk to a very impressive beach and large granite rocks, which succinctly explain the name. And yes, it was cold and it was windy. Come to think of it, that seems to be the norm for SA.

They say that records are meant to be broken, and who are we to prove them wrong. We left The Granites around midday, full of curiosity as to where we’d be spending the night. Twenty minutes later we arrived at Kingston SE, and called it a day.

While we were staying at Kingston, we did a couple of day trips, including a trip to Robe. Robe is picture perfect, very expensive and a bit of a tourist trap. $93 per night in the local caravan park. We paid $20 per 2 nights in the council owned camp area. No power, but toilets, a dump point, potable water and two minutes walk to the jetty and the beach. We also visited Beachport, another pretty town. It’s much smaller but well worth the trip and you must do the Beachport scenic drive, it is stunning. This was by far the most picturesque coast scenery we have seen to date.

Let’s see how far we get next time. Any bets?

See you out there somewhere

On tow and on the go!

8 Comments on “Back in the Swing of Things”

  1. Loved the superb fairy wren reflection. Amazing. Lovely B&W pick of Pete paddling. Muffin is HORRIFIED at the “Rat” attacking Hugo!! One caravan park in Eden wanted $102 per night for power and water! Extortion!

    • Hi Julia. Thanks, the little wren is cute and Yeah, that shot of Peter is one of my favs. Tell Muffin he has to live a little and stop being such a wus, and it is NOT a rat. 🙂

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