A Great Little Bush Camp

Ok, so we didn’t make it to Walgett, but we are still heading in the right direction. We found a lovely little spot called Hickeys Falls, just a few hundred metres off the Newell Highway, and were pleasantly surprised by the amount of water flowing. It was quite unexpected and beautiful.

We did consider staying there overnight, but it was in a bit of a gully, there was a lot of shade (not good for the solar panels) and it was bloody cold.

We drove on for a kilometre and saw a sign for Spire View, and we thought, what good is a “view” if you don’t stop to view it. As we drove into the parking area for the Spire we noticed a dirt road and decided to see where that went. We are so pleased that we did.

About a hundred metres down the road, we came across a lovely treed, flat area and thought, this’ll do. And this is where we are, still, two nights later, and of course Peter had to get his scooter out for a closer look at the Spire. Good job he did, he got some great shots of it. We’re close to the highway, but even though we can hear the odd truck passing, you’d think we were in the middle of nowhere. We have plenty of sun, we have plenty of firewood, food and water, what more could we possibly want? I even had a chance to do some real authentic bush camp cooking. Slow cooked Chinese style, melt in the mouth pork belly and fire roast vegetables. Yumo!

I think we’ll be staying another night, then we’ll get back on the road.

See you out there somewhere

On tow and on the go!

4 Comments on “A Great Little Bush Camp”

    • Thanks Les, I don’t know if Peter mentioned, but we had a fox wander around the camp last night, pretty cool!

  1. It really is, well worth the look. We stayed there last night as well and we had an unexpected visitor. A fox came wandering through our camp, it was too dark to get a photo but he wandered around for about five minutes. Pretty cool.

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