A Change of Plan

We had a couple of weeks to kill before we had to be in Port Macquarie on 1st December. This gave us enough time to do a couple of national parks in the area, but the rain, it seemed, had other ideas.

To avoid the worst of the immediate rain, we stopped at a little town called Trangie, in the Trangie Caravan Park. We booked for two nights but ended up staying three. This is a great little park with good amenities and super friendly owners who go out of their way to make you feel welcome. We’ll definitely stay there again if ever in the area.

We didn’t get to do much there because of the weather but we did get a chance to visit the local weir, which was flooding, and explore the areas between Trangie, Collie and Warren. This area, and beyond, is wheat country and I want to give a big shout out to our farmers. We drove through Lord knows how many acres of wheat fields all waiting to be harvested, but the rain had put a stop to that.

Our farmers put food on our tables but I don’t think we give them a second thought let alone the credit they deserve, I know I didn’t. They work hard, as do most of us, but, they are slaves to mother nature. Too much rain they can’t plant, too little rain their crop dies. Then they have to contend with pests. Insects and mice can decimate a crop. If all goes well, they can look forward to a good crop, but if it rains, the farmers can’t harvest at the optimum time, and the price drops. I don’t think I’ll ever complain about the price of flour or cereals again.

After leaving Trangie we continued on our way to Coolah National Park taking all the minor roads through the wheat country. Crossing the Newell Highway at Gilgandra we decided to stop overnight at the Gilgandra Bowling Club. This is a very convenient and pleasant free overnight spot. Within an hour we were settled in and Peter was making snoring noises on his chair under the awning so I called mum. The conversation went something like this:

              “Hi mum, how are you?”

              “I’m fine. Ahhh, if you had to, how long would it take you to get here?”

              “A couple of days. Why?”

              “I’m in hospital…”

              “Why? What happened?”

              “I broke my ankle.” Mum declared cheerfully.

              To which I replied. “We’ll be there tomorrow.”

So instead of an overnight at Gilgandra we just had a pleasant hour’s rest then got going again.

And just how did my mum break her ankle? Well, it seems the last thing mum’s cleaner did before she left was to wash the floor. However, she neglected to dry it this time, and mum walked out of the bedroom onto the tiles and slipped. She managed to get herself up and called a good friend of hers, Doriel, who came over straight away. After a while, Doriel managed to convince mum that she needed more than a bandage and a bit of deep heat. Mum, of course, refused to call an ambulance.

So, picture this. An 85 year old lady, complete with broken ankle, being helped by an 80 year old lady, into a car and off to the hospital. They didn’t even stop at the hospital’s main entrance but went to find a space in the car park. Luckily someone noticed them struggling and got mum into a wheelchair. All I can say is that they breed them tough around here.

The drive to Port Macquarie was a very wet one. As the rain came down, we were lucky enough to stay ahead of the floods but witnessed many swollen and overflowing rivers, creeks, and roads and made the 600 kilometre drive in about eight hours. Not particularly fast, I agree, but towing three and a half tons of caravan in torrential rain, I think we did alright.

Even the fish seemed to be having trouble. We drove over a causeway and noticed something unusual. A whirlpool on the left hand side, probably caused by large drainage pipes under the road, and these created a super highway for the unwitting fish. We presumed that the fish were getting sucked through the pipes and spat out on the other side. Either that, or they were just having a bit of fun.

We have been in Port for just over two weeks now and have had mum back to the hospital to check her progress. There was some concern that she might need an operation, but the break is healing nicely so the operation is off the table. 😊 They removed the temporary half cast and now mum has a shiny, new, full, hard cast. She still can’t stand on it, but we don’t have to worry about accidental bangs and knocks any more. Better than that, she has taken to her little wheelchair like a duck to water and is zipping around like Michael Schumacher. I suggested her callsign should be Ironside, (remember TV’s crime drama which aired from late 60s to mid 70’s, whose lead character, Robert Ironside, was in a wheelchair?) anyway, mum said she her call sign to be Mad Maxine.

That’s my mum.

See you out there somewhere

On tow and on the go!

8 Comments on “A Change of Plan”

  1. Sorry to hear about Jean’s broken ankle. Having had one myself, I can sympathise with her.

    Hope that it heals well for her and that she will be back on both her feet as soon as the medics approve.

    • Thanks Rae, she is doing great and the doctors are happy with the healing process. 4 weeks till the cast comes off so fingers crossed.

  2. It was a pleasure having you stay with us and i hope your mum is on the mend.
    You will be happy to know that the rain seems to be a thing of the past and the local farmers are back into harvest with a vengeance.
    Paul from Trangie Caravan Park.

    • We had great time Paul. Mum is doing well and I am pleased to here the rain has past. I want my Weetabix 🙂

  3. So sorry to read that your Mum broke her ankle Jo.
    Wishing her a speedy recovery. it was fortunate that you were not too far away.
    It definitely looks very soggy over there.
    I imagine you will be in Port for Christmas … enjoy the rest and relaxation.

  4. I am sorry to hear your mum broke her ankle… but what a story!!! She is definitely tough!… I think you are destined to be in NSW for a looooong time!… lucky you have got some of that to spare! 😊

    • Thanks Sara, she is a tough old bird…don’t tell her I said that. 🙂
      And yes, I think NSW will be home for a while, who knows we might be able to catch up in the New Year.

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