Albany Revisited

26th January – 30th January

What a way to celebrate Australia Day, a road trip exploring our great country! We certainly are living the Australian dream.

We passed through Albany on our way to Perth several months ago and had a few lovely days there, but we missed out on a couple of interesting spots, so…when we left the tranquility of Lake Towerinning we headed back to Albany.

We spent three nights there and caught up with friends (yes, we now have more friends in WA than when we first arrived) and family.

We stayed at the Acclaim Rose Garden CP, (probably wouldn’t recommend it,) but it was a great location as we caught up with Peter’s niece Edith, her husband Neil and their dog Molly. We had a great time with them; a couple of happy, happy hour’s, a bit of exploring together, and…the good news is, Molly and Hugo got along like a house on fire.

Peter and I are particularly fond of Albany but the coastline is stunning and there is plenty to do. Including but not limited to, a visit to the Gap, the Natural bridge, and the Porongurup National Park. Once on the cantilevered walkway over the Gap, you find yourself staring down into the abyss below. A huge crevasse created by powerful waves over millions of years. Quite a sight. Also impressive is the Natural Bridge, it puts you in awe of the power of the waves.

Following the coastline you can visit the Cave Point Lighthouse and numerous picturesque beaches, I think the prettiest is Goode Beach, (very popular with the locals) and Frenchman Bay. There was a good view of the coast from the carpark at Frenchman bay, but it was fun to go down to the flat rocks below. The walk/climb back up was interesting and Peter asked if he could have my phone to take some photos of me going back up.

I said jokingly. “You can take a photo, but don’t make my butt look big.” Ha ha!

He replied, “It doesn’t look big love, at least not next to that rock.”

Yeah, I know, it’s a wonder he’s lived this long.

Even the Murray Rd boat ramp was worth checking out, and it’s surprising who you bump into when you’re exploring there.

But without a doubt, our favourite activity was the somewhat challenging walk, and climb, up to the Granite Skywalk Castle Rock, in the Porongurup National Park. This stunning park is forested with jarrah, karri and marri trees. Honestly, the walk alone was worth the effort.

The class 5 return walk is a 4.7 km return trek, all uphill I might add, from the moment you step out of the carpark. Peter and I hadn’t really done anything this challenging for a long time so we were a bit concerned but thought…why not give it a try. So very pleased we did. Mind you, we took an awful lot of photos. We found that activity a good reason to stop for a wee break.

You know you’re at the end of the forest walk when you reach the Balancing Boulder.

Then the real challenge begins. There are a few “little rocks” to traverse, but the powers-to-be have kindly placed hand/foot holds to help you up, and then of course, back down again.

But wait…There’s more. After the boulders, sorry, the little rocks, you have to climb up a 6mtr ladder in order to finally reach the 670mtr peak. After that you can walk around the precarious looking walkway pegged into the side of the rock. Now this is a lookout!

I could say I didn’t enjoy it. But I’d be lying. It was a challenge, and I was thrilled that I made it. Peter took it in his stride of course, but I was so chuffed that I had gone all the way to the top, I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face all the way back down to the car park. Safe to say, I was on a bit of a high. The other good thing about the walk back was that it was all downhill. Good for the heart, not so good for the knees.

And to end a perfect day, what was waiting for me in the carpark, but a family of Splendid Fairy-Wrens.

My next post is not to be missed, instead of hunting birds…we are hunting da daa daaa – Killer Whales! I kid you not.

See you out there somewhere

On tow and on the go!

2 Comments on “Albany Revisited”

  1. Love following your adventures! Especially when you visit fave places of ours. We’ve stayed a couple of times in the Porongoups, and have done that amazing walk/climb, as well as others there. Thanks for sharing your trip and your wonderful photos!

  2. Hi Jo and Peter
    You two have great energy and obviously good heads for heights. I wouldn’t even have tried that walk up Granite Skywalk Castle Rock.
    Loved the photos of the Fairywrens.

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