Worlds End

Broughton Valley & Worlds End

Our drive from Lake Hart to Broughton Valley led us through acres and acres of canola fields, and unlike the earlier fields we passed through, most of these were in full bloom. I don’t need to tell you how pretty they looked.

It was a bit hard to find the campsite at Broughton Valley, even with help from Wiki Camps. In the end, we simply followed the river along a dirt road until we could go no further. While Peter checked the water level, I wandered away and as luck would have it, I found the campsite. We would have driven straight past it if we hadn’t had to stop.

The end of our road…

We spent a couple of nights in idyllic surrounds camped on the banks of the gently flowing Broughton River. We were surrounded by lush green meadows and really happy sheep. I mean with this much food and these views…why wouldn’t they be happy.

We’re suckers for an interesting signpost. That’s how we got to the Centre of Australia. I mean who could resist a sign saying ‘Centre of Australia’? Not us! 😊 So we really had no way of avoiding a sign that said ‘Worlds End‘.

Not only was this a great place to stay (we were there for four nights) but it’s super popular, and with good reason. Worlds End offers a large areas for camping, with many fire pits scattered around, a few walking tracks to keep you busy and plenty of hills to keep Peter happy.

Of course it’s not all about keeping Peter happy, I was taken care of too. While he was out striding up hills, I was out stalking the local birds and I was thrilled to spy another first. A family of Adelaide Rosellas, along with some Galah’s and White-Winged Choughs (pronounced cough).

So, where to from here? Well, we’re heading into the big smoke, sort of. Our next stop is Adelaide, and we are really looking forward to it, and to getting the caravan fixed. 😊

See you out there somewhere

On tow and on the go!

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10 Comments on “Worlds End”

  1. Worlds End!! Where to next – don’t answer that. 🙂
    Great photos and great to continue hearing of your adventures. Loved the Rosellas and the Choughs which are another of those interesting family groups like Babblers and Apostlebirds.

    I look forward to reading more of your wonderful adventures.

    • Who knows Rae, the moon is so close and…ahh who am I kidding. I think we’ll stick to good old Australia. Lets face it, you can’t beat it. You’re right about the Choughs, very interesting to watch. I read that when they get really excited their eyes almost pop out of their heads. Looks freakish.
      There’ll be plenty more to come. 🙂

  2. I was wondering where the bird photos were. Never seen an Adelaide rosella. We have only eastern and crimson. So common. Love the cough pun.

    • Hey Julia, the Adelaide Rosellas were a first for me. Pretty little things. Pleased you got the cough pun. Loving your newsletters by the way, keep ’em coming.

  3. Another great place Joanne and beautiful photos the birds are amazing just like you love you both mam😇🤓😎🦅😩❤️

  4. Lovely to meet you this morning.
    Your photography is amazing Jo.
    Warm regards Jacki, Steve and Frisky

    • Thank you Jacki, so pleased you looked up our blog.
      Hopefully we can meet up with you, Steve and Frisky again soon. In the meantime, let’s keep in touch. Travel safe.
      Jo & Peter

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