Muloorina Camp Ground

Now this is an oasis

Sticking to our plan (I know…shock and amazement 😊) we left Marree and drove back to the Muloorina campground. I think it’s safe to say that this has to be one of our favourite campsites.

Another stunning sunset at Muloorina

Muloorina is a property that covers four thousand square kilometres. It runs cattle and sheep, but more importantly, the owners have very kindly set aside a large area for campers. The camp ground is well treed, offering shade to those who need it, but it also has ample open areas for those who need the sun to power solar panels. There is a natural (capped) artesian bore that feeds into numerous water holes around the area and provides a natural hot/warm bath for all to enjoy. Even Hugo had a quick dip.

And of course, where there are trees and water, there will be birds, and what are my favourite birds? You got it, Budgies.

There were of course, some water Birds

Some little Birds

A brief break from birds.

We had planned on staying at Muloorina for two or three nights. Then it turned to four or five. We met a lovely couple camped next door to us, and we had a lovely evening with them and their dogs. We sat around the fire for an hour or so, then the wind picked up and we all got sandblasted, so we moved inside. Needless to say our guests of honour got the best seats in the house.

In the end, we decided to stay at Muloorina until after Peter’s birthday (when he finally got to open the mystery package he’d been carrying around in the back of the car for a couple of weeks). After all, what better place to celebrate a 70th.

And back to the birds. Bigger birds this time.

A very pretty bird and a couple I couldn’t identify.

I’m don’t know if it’s because of the hot bore water, but it was considerably warmer here than it has been elsewhere. Perhaps this is why we had quite a few snakes in and around the camp. We saw 3 browns go through camp, another looking for a feed in a tree, yet another brown going for a swim (a first for me) and a snake I have never even heard of let alone seen before. A Strap-Snouted Brown snake.

So G.R. be warned, this next section contains images of snakes.

So as the sun goes down on our stay at Muloorina we will continue our journey to William Creek and Lake Eyre (north). See you there.

See you out there somewhere

On tow and on the go!

9 Comments on “Muloorina Camp Ground”

  1. Hi Jo and Peter
    Thanks for the update and for the look at Peter’s birthday present. I was thinking the other day of his 60th at Dayboro. Has 10 years really gone??
    As to your unidentified birds, I will have a closer look in the next couple of days to see what I can offer.
    Keep enjoying your odyssey.

  2. Hi Jo and Peter!!!

    Happy Birthday Peter… how amazing to be out in the wilds for your 70th!

    Jo I use an app called Merlin to identify birds.. I used your photo and the app identified it as a Rufous Songlark. If you are able to, and have wifi… join Facebook ‘Australian Bird Identification’ (ABID).

    Loving the journey… safe travels 🥰

    • Thanks Sara,
      we had a great day, and only a little hangover the next.

      Thanks for the tip, I’ll check Merlin out.


  3. I bet hugo had sore ears keep on rolling and enjoy love the photos Love mum💐👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

  4. Thanks for the up date, love the photos but as I am terrified of snakes I have decided I don’t need to do any more camping lol , keep enjoying and stay safe love to you both, Robynn and Gil xx

    • Thanks Robynn.
      I don’t mind snakes, but we did see quite a lot of them here, I was on lookout for sure.

  5. Fabulous photos once again. The
    birds you can’t identify are LBJ’s (little brown jobs). Muffin doesn’t go swimming. He hates to get his fur wet and even more hates the legs in his ears. Travel safe

    • Thanks Julia,
      I thought LBJ’s were what Hugo and Muffin left behind. 🙂

      I didn’t want to let Hugo in, but he can throw a tanty when he wants to, even the threat of peg ears didn’t put him off.

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