Lake Cargelligo

One of the couples we have bumped into a few times had recommended we visit Lake Cargelligo. Because our plans, such as they are, had been thrown to the wind, we decided to give it a go.

As we drove down the main street of Cargelligo, it took us a few moments to realise that what we were looking at through the windscreen, was not a mirage shimmering in the distance, but a huge lake. As we got closer, we could see that the foreshore was lush green manicured lawns and garden beds and wondered if we had somehow slipped into a parallel dimension.

Lake Cargelligo was full to capacity when we arrived, and with more rain predicted, there was a lot of work going on to reinforce/heighten some of the lake’s banks to cope with the rain, and the run-off from rain further up the Lachlan River.

There are a couple of free camp areas around lake Cargelligo, Froggy Hollow, low and close to the lake, and Dead Man’s Point, also close to the lake, but with access to higher ground. Both areas were within easy walking distance from the town centre. We chose to stay at Dead Man’s Point and parked on the highest ground we could find. Even so, we were still only a few meters away from the lakes edge, had easy access to the lake via the boat ramp, and great views.

It really was a lovely place to stay and we ended up there six nights. The weather wasn’t the best but we still managed to wet the kayaks. To be honest, I only went out once, it was too cold and windy for me, I know…sook, but Peter braved the weather a few times.

Lake Cargelligo is a really lovely place to visit, and even though the weather was cold, blustery and wet, we really enjoyed it. As with many other places, it was very quiet here, though there were more caravans here than anywhere else we have been. Pre-Covid-19, Lake Cargelligo was a big water sport venue for locals and tourists alike. Let’s hope things get back to normal for this lovely little town sooner rather than later.

Oh, and for all you Twitchers out there, the Lake and the surrounding area is home to over 200 bird species. I think I saw about 10 of them. 😊

See you out there somewhere

On tow and on the go!

4 Comments on “Lake Cargelligo”

  1. Thanks for the bird show, Jo. Great photos. You are getting so good with the names you will be a birder by the time you get back and maybe have a life list longer than mine!!

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