Dead Horse Gully – Tibooburra

When we arrived back at Tibooburra, we went straight to the Police Station to collect Chunky Bum. It was then that we were told of a possible Covid-19 exposure in town. Not a lot we could do about that, so we stuck to our plan and drove two kilometres out of town to the Dead Horse Gully campground in the Sturt National Park.

WOW! I love it. It’s like a desert wonderland. I can’t stop singing that song by the group America, “A Horse with no name.” Don’t know why, I mean we’re not really in a desert, it just seems fitting.

There are a couple of designated walks around Dead Horse, and a lot of opportunities to go walkabout up and over the granite tors. It really is pretty country, and we had a lot of fun exploring.

We even got lost, surprise, surprise, but the upside of that, was that I found a couple of Rainbow Bee-eaters I didn’t get any decent photos, so I made these stunning little birds my special quest while we were there. There wasn’t a lot of other wildlife, a few species of birds, a few kangaroos, goats, and a family of Emus. He looked like a first-time dad, not as big as the emu at Menindee and a lot more cautious. I was walking the first time I saw him, he was about 30-40 meters away, but he started towards me with a definite “keep away from my chicks” attitude. So, I did just that, I ducked behind a bush and kept out of sight until he lost interest in me and went on his way with his 8, that’s right, 8 chicks running along behind him. Another good dad.

On the fourth day there I went Rainbow Bee-Eater hunting. I loaded up with my camera, tripod, water, snacks and off I went to try and get lost again, it was surprisingly easy, and after an hour and a bit trudging, and two and a half hours waiting, I got what I went for. Aren’t these just the most beautiful birds?

We stayed at Dead Horse Gully for 7 nights and I think we would have stayed longer had we not had to go back to Broken Hill for some Admin. (That’s code for “Joanne stuffed up the caravan rego, and now it has lapsed, and we have to go to Broken Hill to apply for a new NSW registration”). It’s going to take me a while to live this one down.

During our stay at Dead Horse, we had some pretty wild weather including two 37-degree days, a dust storm with wind gusts up to 100 kms and a fantastic lightning storm.

All in all, we have really enjoyed this part of the trip, Tibooburra is a great little town, the Corner was an experience, Fort Grey was great, and Dead Horse Gully was a little slice of desert heaven. If you haven’t visited the Jump-Up Country, I think you should.

See you out there somewhere

On tow and on the go!

16 Comments on “Dead Horse Gully – Tibooburra”

  1. Love the photos of the bee eaters. There is a group on Facebook Western Australian Birds. At the moment the site is being flooded with photos of the RBE … that is group speak for Rainbow Bee Eater 🤣🤣🤣. Apparently they are in town and the target for most of the photographers. They are magnificent. I did not know they were out in the desert area. Australian flora and fauna and birds are incredibly resilient.
    The Storm photos are also brilliant.
    I am loving your Travels
    Stay safe … hope the rego is sorted … it can happen to anyone 🌞

    • Thank you Lorna
      It is good to know that these stunning birds can survive in the middle of nowhere. Lord knows how, but they do.
      Rego was a pain in the butt, but all good now.
      Love Jo

  2. I am currently at Lake Mulwala and the sign here says they are here seasonally but I haven’t seen any yet. I was told that some had been seen near Phieffers winery in Wagunyah, so it seems they are all over northern Victoria too. I photographed them in Kenya, so they come a long way. There is a secret kingfisher at the lake but he won’t let me get anywhere near him

  3. I am happy you are finding lots of content to photograph! this RBE are beautiful. Looks like a fabulous spot to spend a week! Good luck with your ‘Admin’ stuff! 😂

    • Thanks Sara
      Yes, never a dull moment here.
      ‘Admin’ is all sorted, I’m busily baking choc chip muffins and banana bread to make up for my monumental stuff up.
      That’s life.

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