Where are we Going?

One of the many things we are going to have to get a handle on is deciding where we want to go. Now that is easy enough if you have a set of parameters to work within. But, when you have no time constraints, no distance limitations, and a bloody big country to explore, well… it’s not as easy as you’d think.

We had planned to leave Toukley and have a week of bush camping, but the wet weather encouraged us to look for a caravan park where we could plan our next stage in comfort. So here we are in Dubbo. I don’t know if the weather is going to allow us to do much while we’re here, but we did have a lovely day at the Western Plains Zoo (which is well worth a visit) and I got my camera out for the first time in a long time, and Hugo finally got out of his PJ’s.

But I digress, back to our problematic planning predicament. Of course, the logical thing to do is to sit down with a map and put a plan in place, and we have the tools to do this. Between Google maps, Google Earth, our Australian and NSW’s maps, and the HEMA touring map book, you’d think that we could put together a workable plan and stick to it. I think we’re up to Plan “G”, but we have revisited Plan “C” several times, so now, and don’t hold me to this, I think that we are going to follow Plan “C”. At least, some version of it.

When we leave Dubbo, we are heading further north to Walgett then on to Lightning Ridge, and we’ll leave it at that for the time being. I’m sure we’ll get the hang of it one day, in the meantime, we’ll just keep moving on.

See you out there somewhere

On tow and on the go!

2 Comments on “Where are we Going?”

  1. Nice to see that you and Peter (and Hugo) are so definite in your plans!! Whatever – I am sure that you will have a wonderful time.

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