May Day

After many years of dreaming, several years of planning and four weeks of chaos, we are finally ready to hit the road and explore our magnificent country in comfort, in our own time and for as long as we please. Finally, we are free!

I guess you could say we are undertaking the ultimate downsizing of our home. For weeks now we have been sorting, packing and taking most of our worldly goods to a secure storage site. At first we thought we would have heaps of space, then after a couple of trips we went into panic mode thinking…It’ll never all fit in! But in the end, it did. Peter has done a excellent job squashing our belongings into a three by three metre storage locker. Not only that but he has done it in an organised and orderly way. So much so, that when I said, “Peter, my sweet, my darling, my little sugar dumpling,…” (I don’t normally talk to him that way. I was trying to butter him up because of what I was going to ask,) “…my cherry blossom. You know that yellow throw with the cream tassels?” He nodded suspiciously. “Well…” I said. “We took it to storage on the first run, but I’ve changed my mind. I want to take it with us.” I smiled sweetly expecting an onslaught of verbal displeasure, instead he said. “Not a problem, I think know where it is. I’ll get it for you on my next run.” And true to his word, he did. Mind you, he was gone an awful long time when he collected it, and I’m sure he must have unpacked half the locker to get to it, but it does look very nice on the bed.

I have been asked if I will miss the comfort of home, and I actually ask myself the same question many times leading up to, and after our decision to embark on a life on the road. I guess that is a question that I won’t be able to answer honestly until I have been on the road for a while. So I’ll let you know about that in a few months. I mean, I’m sure I will miss a lot about our home. The luxury of a fully stocked, large kitchen, the bedroom with Ensuite, the media room and my piano not to mention the wonderful outlook. But…I reckon the tradeoff is pretty good, because instead of brick walls and colourbond roof, I will have wide open spaces, crashing oceans, mountainous regions and rainforests. I will have ever-changing scenery to entertain me and a chorus of melodies from our unique Australian birds, and I will have vast, clear skies filled with millions of stars. Even more than that, if more is needed, I will be embarking on an adventure of a lifetime with Peter, my partner in crime, my best friend, the love of my life. I honestly don’t think it can get much better than that.

So, where are we going? Not very far apparently… …we overheated on the first hill we came to. Just kidding, sort of. We did get the transmission overheat alarm, and the car did slow itself down to a crawl, much to the delight of the cars behind us. But after we stopped and popped the hood, stared at the engine for a couple of minutes (as if we knew what we were looking at) then closed it again, we got back in the car and drove off. We didn’t have any more problems, and we did climb quite a few hills on the way to Kingaroy. I think Big Ears just chucked a hissy fit because he was having to tow Chunky Bum again. He’ll get used to it. Anyway, back to where we are going. Initially we will be catching up with friends and family, in Kingaroy, Port Macquarie and Sydney. Then from there, I think we will be staying in NSW and heading west, towards Broken Hill and on to the Menindee Lakes. From there? Who knows. We can go where we want, stay as long as we want, do what we want.

Big Ears & Chunky Bum

For my overseas readers, we are at the back end of Autumn, so we are travelling in the cooler weather and the further south we go, NSW, it will only get colder. Oh, and it has been raining for the past 4 days. 🌧 Here we go again. 🤪

See you out there somewhere

On tow and on the go

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