20th November 14th December Not being the kind of people who miss an opportunity, we made the best of our stay at Glenbrook Campground, our hostess was wonderful and had no problem extending our stay again, and again…Well, you know what happened, and we used our time well, exploring the area. Mostly for those …

20th November 14th December Readers beware.  Apart from a few photos of Ospreys, (must see so scroll down,) this is mostly a technical post, so lots of reading. We ended up spending eight days back at the Fremantle village, and for a change everything went to plan. The car went in on Monday to …

27th October – 20th November So, we have about four weeks to kill before we go back to Fremantle to complete our repairs. Normally that wouldn’t be a problem, we’d just pick a destination and go. But the issue with the van is that we have two bent axles, and scrubbed tires. This means, …

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