11th October– 27th October This was the last leg of our trip to Perth. Yup, we finally made it, and checked ourselves into Fremantle Village on 11th October. We had the usual medical and mechanical check-ups, and were keen to have a look around Perth, but we’ll get to that later. First, we had …

22nd to 25th September This post is going to be short on words, long on photos, and not a bird in sight. My headliners are just a few of Western Australia’s wild flowers. First off, a little about Lake Grace. It’s southeast of Perth and for the most part, is a system of dry …

26th September – 5th October We headed east from Lake Grace, (I know, we’re supposed to be heading west) through Lake King, another salt lake, and slightly more pink than Lake Grace, then south to Ravensthorpe. They have the wildflower show here every year, and though we knew we had missed the show, we …

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