The Treeless Plain Is the Nullarbor a Treeless Plain? In a word…Nope. However, it is a very, very…very long road. Starting at Ceduna in SA and finishing at Norseman in WA. The road across the Nullarbor Plain (the Eyre Hwy) stretches for 1,201 kilometres. Just to put this in context, and for friends and …

Our four days in Ceduna were spent running around. The hospital, shopping, washing, car and van washing and the local pub. The food was so good there, we ate at the pub twice. Ceduna seemed quite nice, (they let us buy alcohol so that was a bonus). We stayed at the Shelly Beach caravan …

The Gawler Ranges After the extended time we’d spent in SA, I thought it was fitting that we spend some time just chilling. The Gawler Ranges NP seemed just the place for that. Great location, kangaroos, emus and birds for me, and lots of hills to climb for Peter. There are a few walking …

As navigator, it’s my responsibility to boldly take us where we have never gone before. So, I did my research and found us a great spot for our first night out of Coffin Bay. As we drove north-west towards Drummond Point, Peter started making noises about having been here before. I of course, vehemently …

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